When we want to transform the culture of an organization, much is said about how we transform behaviors. This makes sense because behaviors are […]
Carolina Sordelli
Sr. Consultant- Organizational Transformation @
Sr. Consultant- Organizational Transformation @ carolinasordelli.com – Diseño, desarrollo y lidero proyectos de transformación integral para organizaciones de todo tipo de industrias y tamaños en Estados Unidos, Europa y Latinoamérica. Con experiencia en las industrias de Manufactura, Servicios, Alimentos y Bev, Agro, Salud, Finanzas, Educación, Contact Center, Tecnología y Minería, entre otras, abordo desafíos multiculturales a nivel global, regional o local. Orquesto cultura, políticas, sistemas y procesos para lograr transformaciones auténticas y sostenibles.
Posts from Carolina Sordelli
Attracting and motivating employees is one of HR’s major challenges. Although it is certainly not an easy challenge, this approach can help you succeed: […]
In marketing, the churn rate or cancellation rate is the percentage of customers who cancel service after a certain period. In the transformation of a […]